Brendan O’Brien, ATL, installing Writers in Bronze. Photo courtesy of Mark Beatty, Imaging Services, ATL
Open to view with thanks
6 April 2022
During a visit to the vaults in 2020, a question was posed to our curator: “Does the library hold any works in three dimensions?” Dr Oliver Stead lifted the lid on the Anthony Stones busts and a two-year journey into the diversity of the curios collection began.
The Anthony Stones busts have now been redigitised through the Turnbull Endowment Trust with Neil Plimmer’s generosity. This kindled the desire to share these magnificent sculptures in person and hence the Turnbull Gallery exhibition is now open with ‘Writers in Bronze’ for your viewing.
Delivering this exhibition took collaboration spanning the conservation, imaging and exhibition teams and a loan of plinths from Te Papa to display these heavy weight items. The Turnbull Endowment Trust is grateful for their efforts.
We invite you to visit the eleven fabulous authors, poets and historians as seen through Anthony Stones’ eyes.
This door was opened by Neil’s donation with a determination to collaborate to share this work with others. Many of Stones’ works are on public display elsewhere but there are other busts that remain elusive. Do let me know if you are aware of these so we can build further knowledge of his work.
Do you have an interest in items within the ATL collection that you wish to share? Please let me know your connection!
Phone:04 819 8942 or email: paula.maclachlan@turnbulltrust.org.nz
The ‘Writers in Bronze’ exhibition is in the Turnbull Gallery on Level 1 of the National Library building on Molesworth St, Wellington, accessible by lift from the main lobby. It will be open from 1 March until 27 May 2022 and can be accessed Tuesday to Friday 10.00 to 5.00pm and Saturdays 9.00 to 1.00pm. Prior to visiting please check Covid restrictions here.
Writers in Bronze - Turnbull Gallery - 1 March to 27 May 2022